Hello, let me introduce myself shortly, my name is Eric Gouda @mail FB. For many years, the sowing of Tillandsias is a challenge for me. It started around 1975 with the most common species, but soon also less common types became available and I did apply myself to smaller numbers of seed and of as many species as possible.

Most Tillandsia species are really slow growers and under my circumstances, with little fertilizer, it takes aprox. 15 to 20 years or more before they are flowering size (depending on how large they should become). It is possible to grow many species with relatively little space, even though they grow slowly, over time, space become still a problem, especially because in the beginning I did sow too many of a few species. Now I usually limit myself to about 50 seeds, whose germination rate varies greatly depending on the age and condition of the seed.

T.albertia gif
Tillandsia albertiana

Half-grown plants (at least 10-15 years old) are normally € 4 each, unless they are scarce or rare. Some species are available in ball form of more mature plants together (ionantha, bergeri, aeranthos). Minimum order is € 25,- or € 100,- abroad. Postage in the Netherlands is € 6.95 (for abroad please ask), payment by Paypal is possible. We send plants all over the world, but can not supply phytosanitary certificates. Plants are standard posted registered (Track & Trace [Insured as an option]).

There are two price lists, the one below with medium or larger size seedlings, and the list of collection plants available, you will find them on the 'surplus' list. The number of available plants and price are listed. To download the price list below, click here.

Tillandsia (Price list medium/larger sized seedlings) updated: 05-08-2024

Albertiana x edithae 9not flowered yet
Cotton Candy9adult
Dutch Star 9 T.aeranthos x argentina adult
Funebris x bandensis 10rare only a few
Funebris x mallemontii 5new gray-bluish hybrid
Funebris x mallemontii yellow 5new pale yellow hybrid
Neglecta x tenuifolia 4
Rocket 5velutina x harrisii nice hybrid
aeranthos 4/6small/large
aeranthos cluster12Cluster of 3 plants
aizoides 10succulent miniature
albida 4
argentina 6custer
baileyi 5/7the real species: small/large
baileyi (vivipara) 5has shoots in inflorescence
bergeri10Cluster 3 mature plants
brachycaulos 6/9small/large
bryoides 10(minutiflora) miniature
caerulea 4
capillaris f14
capillaris f24
capillaris Tarija 6nice coarse form
capillaris #1254Bolivia - Comarapa 1995
cardenasii 8
comarapaensis 5.5
crocata 6/8small/adult
dura 6
edithae 6/8small/adult
flavoviolacea 5/7small/large, new species 2020 from Mexico, Potosi, Zaragoza
funckiana var. funckiana 6
funckiana var. recurvifolia 7
geminiflora 5/7small/large
harrisii 6/8small/large
ionantha 5
ionantha var. stricta 5.5
ionantha var. maxima 715-20 cm long and adult
ixioides 7/10small/large
juncea 4
kammii 4
kautskyi20new and limited number
magnusiana 5
melanocrater 4
neglecta 5.5
neglecta red 6dark/dark red leaved form
paleacea 5.5
pedicellata 8
pueblensis 5/7small/adult
recurvifolia 7new
reichenbachii 5.5
straminea 7
streptocarpa 5.5
stricta 5
tectorum 7/9small/larger
tenuifolia4/6small/adult Surinam form
tenuifolia blue7pale blue flowers
usneoides6/15in house easy to grow form
usneoides8fine green form florish in low humidity
tricholepis 5new
vernicosa 5.5new
virescens 5
xiphioides 7

Tillandsia glue: if you want to mount Tillansia with a glue, you could use Bison Kit/Tix, but is not ideal in a wet environment. We can offer a special water resistant glue that can be used to mount Tillandsia

Tillandsia Voeding: we can also offer a special balanced Tillandsia fertilizer with instruction how and what to feed. This is not a 'hocus spocus' bottle like you can buy in the shops, but a high quality N+P+K +Mg (>60%) fertilizer that is balanced for Tillandsia in particular. These plants has a high K(Potassium) and low P(Phosphorus) demand and also need Magnesium. You can not buy this kind of fertilizers in hobby shops. Package 20 g (for 20-40 l fertilizer solution), € 3.95

Seeds are available from the WWW Virtual Bromeliad Society An other important source is the Encyclopedia of Bromeliads

Updated: August 2023 . Visitor count (started Feb.2014):