Collection plants

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Tillandsia index: a - b - c - d - e - f - g - h - i - j - k - l - m - n - o - p - q - r - s - t - u - v - w - x - y - z - (available surplus)
1058 Tillandsia walter-richteri Bolivia: Prov. Tarija , Narvaez Alt.: 1800 m. Coll. Helmut & Lieselotte Hromadnik (Kritzendorf, Austria) 5142 24/07/1979

3 pictures
2701 Tillandsia walter-richteri
1081 Tillandsia walter-richteri Bolivia: Prov. Tarija , Narvaez , Alt.: 1800 m. Coll. Helmut & Lieselotte Hromadnik 5142 24/07/1979

3 pictures
2686 Tillandsia walter-richteri
200 Tillandsia weberi Mexico, Jalisco, Jiliteun de en Dolores Coll. Weber, Hromadnik & Schm EM871804

2 pictures
279 Tillandsia weberi
  1040  Tillandsia wedermannii
  1114  Tillandsia werdermannii
  611  Tillandsia wilinskii x Venezuela, Type locality
  1202  Tillandsia willinskii BR: Rio Grande do Sul
973 Tillandsia winkleri garden origin

26 pictures
869 Tillandsia winkleri

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